Maker Update: Pumpkin Spice Reflow [Maker Update #148] @makerprojectlab @adafruit edition! #adafruit #makerupdate @photoresistor
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Adafruit Video, Maker Update, Newsletter, Publications —
Tags: 3D printing, Adafruit, animatronic, arduino, black girls code, BLE, bluetooth, Circuit Python, circuits, code, computer, contest, design, diy, ebook reader, electronics, engineer, Engineering, events, fabrication, feather, fizzgig, Goose Game, halloween, hardware, interaction, interface, Inventing, kinetic, laser cut, learning, led, Maker, making, mask, microcontroller, neopixel, open hardware, oven, program, programming, project, pumpkin, robotics, skull, soldering, Sony, spresense, STEAM, STEM, stemma, tensorflow, tools, voice changer —
Tags: 3D printing, Adafruit, animatronic, arduino, black girls code, BLE, bluetooth, Circuit Python, circuits, code, computer, contest, design, diy, ebook reader, electronics, engineer, Engineering, events, fabrication, feather, fizzgig, Goose Game, halloween, hardware, interaction, interface, Inventing, kinetic, laser cut, learning, led, Maker, making, mask, microcontroller, neopixel, open hardware, oven, program, programming, project, pumpkin, robotics, skull, soldering, Sony, spresense, STEAM, STEM, stemma, tensorflow, tools, voice changer —
Filed under: design and architecture, educators, NYC, Women In STEM, young engineers —
Tags: black girls code, design, design and architecture, maker education, nyc, women in STEM, young engineers —
Tags: black girls code, design, design and architecture, maker education, nyc, women in STEM, young engineers —