Mr. Robot & fsociety-Inspired Keyboard Has RFID/NFC, LORA, OLED Display, is Backlit with WS2812b LEDs, and more! @wearefsociety @whoismrrobot
— by nicknormal
Filed under: bluefruit, bluetooth, components & parts, customer projects, projects, rfid / nfc —
Tags: bluefruit, BluefruitEZKey, fsociety, HID, keyboard, keyboards, LoRa, Mr. Robot, NFC, RFID —
Tags: bluefruit, BluefruitEZKey, fsociety, HID, keyboard, keyboards, LoRa, Mr. Robot, NFC, RFID —
Filed under: 3D printing, bluefruit —
Tags: 3DPrinting, 3DThursday, BluefruitEZKey, retro, video games —
Tags: 3DPrinting, 3DThursday, BluefruitEZKey, retro, video games —