Filed under: assistive technology, design and architecture, projects —
Tags: assistive technology, Braille, display —
Tags: assistive technology, Braille, display —
Maker Update: Visors Down [Maker Update #139] @makerprojectlab @adafruit edition! #adafruit #makerupdate
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Maker Update, Publications —
Tags: 3D printing, Adafruit, astronaut, Braille, BrainCraft, circuit playground, circuitpython, circuits, code, computer, cosplay, costume, design, diy, electronics, engineer, Engineering, hardware, helmet, infineon, interaction, interface, Inventing, kinetic, learning, Magic Cap, Maker, making, Micro Center, microcontroller, Microsoft Garage, neopixel, Optiga, Orbit Reader, program, programming, project, raspberry pi, robotics, soldering, spacex, Starman, STEAM, STEM, tools —
Tags: 3D printing, Adafruit, astronaut, Braille, BrainCraft, circuit playground, circuitpython, circuits, code, computer, cosplay, costume, design, diy, electronics, engineer, Engineering, hardware, helmet, infineon, interaction, interface, Inventing, kinetic, learning, Magic Cap, Maker, making, Micro Center, microcontroller, Microsoft Garage, neopixel, Optiga, Orbit Reader, program, programming, project, raspberry pi, robotics, soldering, spacex, Starman, STEAM, STEM, tools —
NEW GUIDE: Getting Started with Braille Output for CircuitPython REPL #Accessibility #Adafruit #Braille #OrbitResearch #CircuitPython @OrbitResearch1 @adafruit
— by Isaac Wellish
Filed under: adafruit learning system, CircuitPython, PyPortal —
Tags: accessibility, Braille, circuitpython, programming, pyportal, tutorial —
Tags: accessibility, Braille, circuitpython, programming, pyportal, tutorial —
Filed under: arduino, Raspberry Pi —
Tags: android things, Braille, Joe Birch, News API, piday, raspberry pi —
Tags: android things, Braille, Joe Birch, News API, piday, raspberry pi —
Filed under: community, components & parts, tools —
Tags: Braille, disability, MIT, visually impaired —
Tags: Braille, disability, MIT, visually impaired —