Filed under: New Products, wires-cables-etc —
Tags: barrel jack, barrel jacks, cable adapter, cable assemblies, cables, DC power, new products, polarity —
Tags: barrel jack, barrel jacks, cable adapter, cable assemblies, cables, DC power, new products, polarity —
Filed under: New Products, Raspberry Pi —
Tags: cable adapter, cables, CSI, DSI, fpc, new products, raspberry pi —
Tags: cable adapter, cables, CSI, DSI, fpc, new products, raspberry pi —
New Products 7/20/2022 Featuring Adafruit PCF8574 I2C GPIO Expander Breakout – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, aluminum, anodized, ask an engineer, breakout board, breakout boards, cable assemblies, cables, CAT5, components & parts, ethernet, gpio, gpio expander, i2c, knob, knobs, LAN, new products, UTP —
Tags: AAE, aluminum, anodized, ask an engineer, breakout board, breakout boards, cable assemblies, cables, CAT5, components & parts, ethernet, gpio, gpio expander, i2c, knob, knobs, LAN, new products, UTP —
Filed under: New Products, wires-cables-etc —
Tags: cable, cable assemblies, cables, gpio, idc, JTAG, new products —
Tags: cable, cable assemblies, cables, gpio, idc, JTAG, new products —
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, briefcase, cable assemblies, cables, cases and enclosures, Gift Certificate, gift certificates, gpio, m'aiq the liar, memory cards, microSD, microSD cards, new products, raspberry pi 400, Reflow, Reflow Soldering, rework, rework nozzles, sleeve, soldering —
Tags: AAE, briefcase, cable assemblies, cables, cases and enclosures, Gift Certificate, gift certificates, gpio, m'aiq the liar, memory cards, microSD, microSD cards, new products, raspberry pi 400, Reflow, Reflow Soldering, rework, rework nozzles, sleeve, soldering —