Filed under: New Products, QT Py —
Tags: capacitive, Capacitive Touch, new products, qt py, Seeed Studio, touchscreen, xiao —
Tags: capacitive, Capacitive Touch, new products, qt py, Seeed Studio, touchscreen, xiao —
New Products 6/14/2024 Featuring Adafruit DS2484 I2C to 1-Wire Bus Adapter Breakout – STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: 1-wire, AAE, ask an engineer, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, ESP32, i2c, led strip, led strips, M5stack, neopixel, neopixel breakout, neopixels, new products, rotary encoder, rotary encoders, smart rotary, touchscreen —
Tags: 1-wire, AAE, ask an engineer, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, ESP32, i2c, led strip, led strips, M5stack, neopixel, neopixel breakout, neopixels, new products, rotary encoder, rotary encoders, smart rotary, touchscreen —
New Products 1/12/2024 Featuring Adafruit TFT FeatherWing – 3.5″ 480×320 Capacitive Touchscreen – STEMMA QT! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, Adafruit TFT FeatherWing, ask an engineer, capacitive, capacitive display, Capacitive Touch, circuitpython, circuitpython 9, color tft, jumper wires, new products, poster, posters, power supplies, power supply, prototyping, Stemma QT, swag, wall wart —
Tags: AAE, Adafruit TFT FeatherWing, ask an engineer, capacitive, capacitive display, Capacitive Touch, circuitpython, circuitpython 9, color tft, jumper wires, new products, poster, posters, power supplies, power supply, prototyping, Stemma QT, swag, wall wart —
New Products 12/1/2023 Featuring Adafruit 3.5″ TFT 320×480 with Capacitive Touch Breakout Board – EYESPI! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: ask an engineer, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, EyeSPI, GPS, led matrices, LED matrix, new products, tft, TFT breakout, tft display —
Tags: ask an engineer, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, EyeSPI, GPS, led matrices, LED matrix, new products, tft, TFT breakout, tft display —
New Products 9/22/2023 Featuring Adafruit USB Type C Power Delivery Dummy Breakout – I2C or Fixed – HUSB238! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, breakout board, breakout boards, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, DAC, motion sensor, motion tracking, new products, PD, power delivery, tft, tft display, touchscreen, ultraleap, usb cables, USB-C —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, breakout board, breakout boards, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, DAC, motion sensor, motion tracking, new products, PD, power delivery, tft, tft display, touchscreen, ultraleap, usb cables, USB-C —
New Products 9/8/2023 Featuring 2.8″ TFT Touch Shield for Arduino with Resistive Touch Screen v2 – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, arduino, ask an engineer, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, new products, resistive touch, resistive touch screen, Stemma QT, tft, tft display, touchscreen —
Tags: AAE, arduino, ask an engineer, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, new products, resistive touch, resistive touch screen, Stemma QT, tft, tft display, touchscreen —
New Products 3/3/2023 Featuring Adafruit PiCowbell Adalogger for Pico – MicroSD, RTC & STEMMA QT! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, adafruit metro, adalogger, AirLift, ask an engineer, camera, camera module, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, crimping, datalogger, EyeSPI, hand tool, hand tools, metro m7, microSD, new products, pliers, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi Pico, real time clock, rtc, tft, TFT breakout, tft display, touchscreen —
Tags: AAE, adafruit metro, adalogger, AirLift, ask an engineer, camera, camera module, capacitive, Capacitive Touch, crimping, datalogger, EyeSPI, hand tool, hand tools, metro m7, microSD, new products, pliers, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi Pico, real time clock, rtc, tft, TFT breakout, tft display, touchscreen —
New Products 12/18/2020 Featuring Adafruit MPR121 12-Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Gator Breakout – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, capacitive, capacitive pad, Capacitive Touch, doctor who, kits and projects, led art, led matrices, LED matrix, LumenCouture, MicroPython, new products, sensor breakout, temperature sensor, temperature sensors, test equipment, Touch Sensors, tweezers, Wearables, young engineers —
Tags: AAE, capacitive, capacitive pad, Capacitive Touch, doctor who, kits and projects, led art, led matrices, LED matrix, LumenCouture, MicroPython, new products, sensor breakout, temperature sensor, temperature sensors, test equipment, Touch Sensors, tweezers, Wearables, young engineers —
Filed under: displays, New Products —
Tags: capacitive, capacitive display, graphic tft, lcds and displays, new products, tft —
Tags: capacitive, capacitive display, graphic tft, lcds and displays, new products, tft —
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, book, books, camera board, capacitive, capacitive display, charger, chargers, circuitpython, color tft, development board, development boards, DIY gaming, feather, graphic tft, lipo, LiPo Batteries, lipoly, MakeCode, new products, Sony, tft, tfts, usb cables —
Tags: AAE, book, books, camera board, capacitive, capacitive display, charger, chargers, circuitpython, color tft, development board, development boards, DIY gaming, feather, graphic tft, lipo, LiPo Batteries, lipoly, MakeCode, new products, Sony, tft, tfts, usb cables —