Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Kelly
Filed under: gps, history, music, NYC, science, time travel, Women In STEM —
Tags: Adafruit, Charles Babbage, history, music, nyc, Radium, science, the beatles, time travel —
Tags: Adafruit, Charles Babbage, history, music, nyc, Radium, science, the beatles, time travel —
Filed under: 3D printing, Adafruit Blog, community, components & parts, computers, cosplay, costuming, customer projects, displays, EE, events, gaming, history, Raspberry Pi, Women In STEM, young engineers —
Tags: 3D printing, Adafruit Top 10, Charles Babbage, cosplay, gaming, MagPi, Make, Maker Faire, mirror, radio, State of the Fruit —
Tags: 3D printing, Adafruit Top 10, Charles Babbage, cosplay, gaming, MagPi, Make, Maker Faire, mirror, radio, State of the Fruit —