Filed under: Breakout Boards —
Tags: Adafruit, color, colorcorrection, development, diyprojects, electronics, Engineering, makercommunity, photography, sensor, sensors, stemma, TCS34303, tech, tri-stimulus, videography —
Tags: Adafruit, color, colorcorrection, development, diyprojects, electronics, Engineering, makercommunity, photography, sensor, sensors, stemma, TCS34303, tech, tri-stimulus, videography —
Filed under: feather, Feather of the Day, nRF52, Sensors —
Tags: acceleration, bluetooth, color, feather, humidity, magnetometer, nRF52840, proximity, sense, sensors, temperature —
Tags: acceleration, bluetooth, color, feather, humidity, magnetometer, nRF52840, proximity, sense, sensors, temperature —