Filed under: 3D printing, Circuit Playground Express, feather, MakeCode, manufacturing, NYC, prototyping —
Tags: 3DPrinting, circuit playground express, CPX, crickit, LEGO, made in nyc, MakeCode, manufacturing, pioled, prototyping, solder, stencil, wifi feather —
Tags: 3DPrinting, circuit playground express, CPX, crickit, LEGO, made in nyc, MakeCode, manufacturing, pioled, prototyping, solder, stencil, wifi feather —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, Circuit Playground Express, CircuitPython, CRICKIT, feather, manufacturing, NYC —
Tags: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, BME280, circuit playground express, circuitpython, CPX, crickit, feather, made in nyc, manufacturing, marionette, nyc, pyportal, Robots, wifi feather —
Tags: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, BME280, circuit playground express, circuitpython, CPX, crickit, feather, made in nyc, manufacturing, marionette, nyc, pyportal, Robots, wifi feather —
Filed under: Accelerometer, accessories, adafruit learning system, Circuit Playground Express, components & parts, DIY, Electronics, Learning, MakeCode, microcontrollers, power supply, Programming, projects, tutorials —
Tags: arduino, automation, CircuitPlayground, clapper, control, controllable, controller, CPX, home, lights, on and off, outlet, power, power strip, switch —
Tags: arduino, automation, CircuitPlayground, clapper, control, controllable, controller, CPX, home, lights, on and off, outlet, power, power strip, switch —
Filed under: Cats of Engineering, Circuit Playground Express, CRICKIT, manufacturing, Metro, micro:bit, NYC —
Tags: cat, cats of engineering, circuit playground express, CPX, crickit, crickit microbit, made in nyc, manufacturing, metro, Metro m4, metro m4 airlift, metro mini, nyc —
Tags: cat, cats of engineering, circuit playground express, CPX, crickit, crickit microbit, made in nyc, manufacturing, metro, Metro m4, metro m4 airlift, metro mini, nyc —
Filed under: Circuit Playground Express, wearables —
Tags: circuit playground express, CPX, wearable —
Tags: circuit playground express, CPX, wearable —