Filed under: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, art, discover electronics, DIY, education, Electronics, ESP32, feather, gift guides, gift ideas, Huzzah, microcontrollers, NeoPixels, projects, show and tell, tutorials, WiFi, wireless, WLED —
Tags: Christmas, Christmas tree, december, decorations, hannukah, holiday, program, seasons greetings, sync, tree lights, WLED, wreath —
Tags: Christmas, Christmas tree, december, decorations, hannukah, holiday, program, seasons greetings, sync, tree lights, WLED, wreath —
ICYMI – Adafruit IoT Monthly: The Ultimate Bird Feeder, Adafruit IO UI Refresh, and more! #IoT #InternetofThings @adafruit @adafruitio
— by brent
Filed under: Adafruit IO Newsletter, internet of things, Newsletter —
Tags: Adafruit IO, adafruit-iot-monthly, december, internet of things, IoT, Newsletter —
Tags: Adafruit IO, adafruit-iot-monthly, december, internet of things, IoT, Newsletter —