Filed under: Adafruit Video, components & parts, digikey —
Tags: arduino hacks, automation design, circuits, connector, diy engineering, diy lighting, dmx, dmx lighting, dmx transceiver, embedded projects, hardware design, industrial automation, isolated transceiver, lighting design, part search, serial communication, through hole, XLR —
Tags: arduino hacks, automation design, circuits, connector, diy engineering, diy lighting, dmx, dmx lighting, dmx transceiver, embedded projects, hardware design, industrial automation, isolated transceiver, lighting design, part search, serial communication, through hole, XLR —
Filed under: cameras, Connectors, Desk of Ladyada, EYESPI, feather, gaming, RP2350, USB-PD —
Tags: desk, dmx, EyeSPI, feather, FeatherWing, Game Boy, hub, infrared camera, Lepton, RP2350B, Standing Desk, USB PD —
Tags: desk, dmx, EyeSPI, feather, FeatherWing, Game Boy, hub, infrared camera, Lepton, RP2350B, Standing Desk, USB PD —
Filed under: Adafruit Video, components & parts, feather, The Great Search —
Tags: digi-key, digikey, dmx, feather, FeatherWing, RS-232, RS-485, serial —
Tags: digi-key, digikey, dmx, feather, FeatherWing, RS-232, RS-485, serial —
Control DMX-512 lights with an Adafruit Feather microcontroller #Feather #DMX @Adafruit @bikerglen
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: LEDs, Networking —
Tags: dmx, ethernet, feather, Feather M0, FeatherWing, leds, lights —
Tags: dmx, ethernet, feather, Feather M0, FeatherWing, leds, lights —