New Products 12/11/19 Featuring Adafruit #PyPortal Pynt – #CircuitPython Powered Internet Display! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, circuitpython, color tft, dc motors, DCMotor, digi-key, dollhouse, eInk, encoder, ePaper, ESP32, feather, internet of things, IoT, kits and projects, new products, project packs, pushbutton, pushbuttons, pyportal, RFID, stemma, tft, tft display, USB-C —
Tags: AAE, circuitpython, color tft, dc motors, DCMotor, digi-key, dollhouse, eInk, encoder, ePaper, ESP32, feather, internet of things, IoT, kits and projects, new products, project packs, pushbutton, pushbuttons, pyportal, RFID, stemma, tft, tft display, USB-C —
NEW GUIDE: DigiKey IoT Studio Mini Smart Home #SmartHome #HomeAutomation #DigiKey #IoT @DigiKey
— by brent
Filed under: adafruit learning system —
Tags: digikey, digikey iot studio, dollhouse, house, IoT, kit, mini, smart, smart home —
Tags: digikey, digikey iot studio, dollhouse, house, IoT, kit, mini, smart, smart home —