Filed under: adafruit learning system, art, cosplay, costuming, DIY, ESP32, Learning, LED Matrix, NeoPixels, open source, projects, show and tell, Sparkle Motion, STEM, stemma, tools, tutorials, wearables, WLED —
Tags: ballgown, cosplay, cosplay diy, costume, diy, dress, fire dress, hoop skirt, ice queen, katniss, leds, lights, matrix, prom dress —
Tags: ballgown, cosplay, cosplay diy, costume, diy, dress, fire dress, hoop skirt, ice queen, katniss, leds, lights, matrix, prom dress —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, arduino, art, cosplay, costuming, DIY, Electronics, fashion, feather, LEDs, made with code, microcontrollers, prototyping, tutorials, wearables —
Tags: build, costume, diy, dress, drip, How To, illusion, led, light up, Make, prom, red carpet, tutorial, wedding —
Tags: build, costume, diy, dress, drip, How To, illusion, led, light up, Make, prom, red carpet, tutorial, wedding —
Filed under: accessories, cosplay, costuming, discover electronics, DIY, fashion, gemma, Learning, LEDs, MakeCode, NeoPixels, tutorials, wearables —
Tags: accessory, craft, dress, etsy, fancy, fascinator, feather, flower, gemma, glow, glowing, hat, hot glue, How To, MakeCode, millinery, neopixel, tutorial, women —
Tags: accessory, craft, dress, etsy, fancy, fascinator, feather, flower, gemma, glow, glowing, hat, hot glue, How To, MakeCode, millinery, neopixel, tutorial, women —
‘the Future of Technology; Fashion, Open-Source and Privacy’ with @AnoukWipprecht | via @CNN #WearableWednesday
— by nicknormal
Filed under: 3D printing, biomimicry, components & parts, fashion, wearables —
Tags: CNN, dress, spider, wearable, wearable wednesday, Wearables, wearabletech, wearablewednesday —
Tags: CNN, dress, spider, wearable, wearable wednesday, Wearables, wearabletech, wearablewednesday —
Filed under: NeoPixels, wearables —
Tags: dress, Intel, neopixel, wearable, wearable art, wearable wednesday —
Tags: dress, Intel, neopixel, wearable, wearable art, wearable wednesday —