Filed under: accessories, New Products —
Tags: dust, micro hdmi, mini hdmi, new products, silicone —
Tags: dust, micro hdmi, mini hdmi, new products, silicone —
New Products 6/16/2021 Featuring Adafruit Etched R4 Keycap for MX Compatible Switches! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, battery holder, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, breakout board, breakout boards, clock, clock display, coin cell, cr2032, dust, eInk, eInk display, hdmi, humidity sensors, keycaps, new products, r4, raspbery pi pico, rj-45, temperature sensor, terminal block, terminal blocks, USB-C —
Tags: AAE, battery holder, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, breakout board, breakout boards, clock, clock display, coin cell, cr2032, dust, eInk, eInk display, hdmi, humidity sensors, keycaps, new products, r4, raspbery pi pico, rj-45, temperature sensor, terminal block, terminal blocks, USB-C —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, CircuitPython, cosplay, DIY, education, events, gemma, LEDs, MakeCode, Mu, NeoPixels, tutorials, Uncategorized —
Tags: art, art car, Bicycle, bike, burning man, convert, diy, dust, dustproof, How To, lights, mutant vehicle, playa, seal, tutorial, waterproof —
Tags: art, art car, Bicycle, bike, burning man, convert, diy, dust, dustproof, How To, lights, mutant vehicle, playa, seal, tutorial, waterproof —
Filed under: biohacking —
Tags: air quality, biohacking, data collection, dust, eco2, particulate, pm2.5, quantifiedself, scrape, sensors, sgp30, voc —
Tags: air quality, biohacking, data collection, dust, eco2, particulate, pm2.5, quantifiedself, scrape, sensors, sgp30, voc —
How to Build a Tech Owl That Will Make You Air Quality Wise #CitizenScience #Arduino #DIY #science #air
— by Leslie Birch
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, arduino, cardboard, CitizenScience, customer projects, leds-lcds, NeoPixels, science, sensorsparts, STEM —
Tags: air, air quality, arduino, cardboard, citizen science, diy, dust, neopixel, science, STEM, tech —
Tags: air, air quality, arduino, cardboard, citizen science, diy, dust, neopixel, science, STEM, tech —