Filed under: photography —
Tags: Eclipse, Google Street View, solar eclipse, solar eclipse 2017, streets, StreetView —
Tags: Eclipse, Google Street View, solar eclipse, solar eclipse 2017, streets, StreetView —
Adafruit Tech Used to Capture Moon’s #SolarEclipse Shadow from 97,000 Feet! | @adafruit #citizenscience
— by nicknormal
Filed under: arduino, community, components & parts, customer projects, DIY, gps, projects, science, space —
Tags: balloon, balloons, Eclipse, high altitude balloon, moon, shadow, shadows, solar eclipse, solar eclipse 2017, weather balloon —
Tags: balloon, balloons, Eclipse, high altitude balloon, moon, shadow, shadows, solar eclipse, solar eclipse 2017, weather balloon —
Filed under: biohacking —
Tags: biohacking, data is beautiful, Eclipse, my eyes hurt, solar, the next web —
Tags: biohacking, data is beautiful, Eclipse, my eyes hurt, solar, the next web —