EYE ON NPI – Intel® RealSense™ ID Solution F450, F455 #EYEonNPI #DigiKey @DigiKey @IntelRealSense
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Adafruit Video, ask-an-engineer, cameras, components & parts, digikey, EYE on NPI, machine learning —
Tags: camera, Camera Depth, digi-key, digikey, EDGE COMPUTING, ID Solution, Intel, machine learning, module, RealSense —
Tags: camera, Camera Depth, digi-key, digikey, EDGE COMPUTING, ID Solution, Intel, machine learning, module, RealSense —
Gesture Wand on the Edge with Particle’s Xenon and TF #Tensorflowlite #machinelearning #AI #artificialintelligence #particle
— by Becca
Filed under: Accelerometer, Artificial intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning, Edge Computing, internet of things, machine learning, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, tinyML —
Tags: accelerometer, artificial intelligence, deep learning, EDGE COMPUTING, IoT, machine learning, particle, tensorflow lite, tinyML, Xenon —
Tags: accelerometer, artificial intelligence, deep learning, EDGE COMPUTING, IoT, machine learning, particle, tensorflow lite, tinyML, Xenon —
Machine learning bubble blowing … Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51 @arduino @tensorflow #tinyML #tensorflow #machinelearning #ai
— by phillip torrone
Filed under: arduino, Artificial intelligence, Edge Computing, featured, hackchat, machine learning, tinyML —
Tags: AI, EDGE COMPUTING, machine learning, tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tinyML —
Tags: AI, EDGE COMPUTING, machine learning, tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tinyML —