Filed under: displays, e-paper, micropython, Pico, Raspberry Pi, RP2040 —
Tags: eInk, eInk display, Raspberry Pi Pico, waveshare —
Tags: eInk, eInk display, Raspberry Pi Pico, waveshare —
New Products 5/24/2024 Featuring Adafruit Pixel Trinkey – USB Key for NeoPixel / DotStar Driving! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, dotstar, dotstar leds, ds18b20, eInk, eInk display, gpio, idc, led driver, neopixel, neopixels, new products, stemma, Stemma QT, trinkey, trinkeys, usb key, USB keys, zipper case —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, dotstar, dotstar leds, ds18b20, eInk, eInk display, gpio, idc, led driver, neopixel, neopixels, new products, stemma, Stemma QT, trinkey, trinkeys, usb key, USB keys, zipper case —
Filed under: displays, New Products —
Tags: eInk, eInk display, electronic ink, ePaper, new products, tri-color —
Tags: eInk, eInk display, electronic ink, ePaper, new products, tri-color —
New Products 2/23/2024 Featuring Double-Sided Single Color 12V LED Strip – Natural White 4500K – 1 meter! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, bonnet, bonnets, eInk, eInk display, electronic ink, led strip, led strips, neopixel, neopixel strip, neopixels, new products, RGBW, SRAM, tft, TFT breakout, tft display —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, bonnet, bonnets, eInk, eInk display, electronic ink, led strip, led strips, neopixel, neopixel strip, neopixels, new products, RGBW, SRAM, tft, TFT breakout, tft display —
Filed under: e-paper, ESP32, gaming, solar —
Tags: Conway's Game of Life, eInk display, game of life, solar —
Tags: Conway's Game of Life, eInk display, game of life, solar —
New Products 3/31/2023 Featuring Adafruit Feather RP2040 RFM69 Packet Radio – 868 or 915MHz – RadioFruit and STEMMA QT! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, e-ink, eInk, eInk display, electronic ink, ESP32, feather, feathers, LoRa, new products, radiofruit, raspberry pi, real time clock, RP2040, rtc, Stemma QT, wifi module, wifi modules, Witty Pi —
Tags: AAE, ask an engineer, e-ink, eInk, eInk display, electronic ink, ESP32, feather, feathers, LoRa, new products, radiofruit, raspberry pi, real time clock, RP2040, rtc, Stemma QT, wifi module, wifi modules, Witty Pi —
New Products 6/16/2021 Featuring Adafruit Etched R4 Keycap for MX Compatible Switches! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, battery holder, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, breakout board, breakout boards, clock, clock display, coin cell, cr2032, dust, eInk, eInk display, hdmi, humidity sensors, keycaps, new products, r4, raspbery pi pico, rj-45, temperature sensor, terminal block, terminal blocks, USB-C —
Tags: AAE, battery holder, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, breakout board, breakout boards, clock, clock display, coin cell, cr2032, dust, eInk, eInk display, hdmi, humidity sensors, keycaps, new products, r4, raspbery pi pico, rj-45, temperature sensor, terminal block, terminal blocks, USB-C —
Filed under: clocks, New Products —
Tags: BLE, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, clock, clock display, eInk, eInk display, ePaper, home assistant, home automation, humidity sensors, new products, temperature sensor, temperature sensors —
Tags: BLE, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, clock, clock display, eInk, eInk display, ePaper, home assistant, home automation, humidity sensors, new products, temperature sensor, temperature sensors —
New Products 5/5/2021 featuring Adafruit I2C QT Rotary Encoder with NeoPixel – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, bare leds, eInk, eInk display, jumper wire, jumper wires, MoistureSensor, Monochromatic, monochrome, neopixel, neopixel leds, neopixels, new products, prototyping, Rotary, rotary encoder, sensor, sensors —
Tags: AAE, bare leds, eInk, eInk display, jumper wire, jumper wires, MoistureSensor, Monochromatic, monochrome, neopixel, neopixel leds, neopixels, new products, prototyping, Rotary, rotary encoder, sensor, sensors —
New Products 2/24/2021 Featuring TPS62827 3.3V Buck Converter Breakout – 3.3V Output 2 Amp Max (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, altimeter, biometrics, book, breakout board, breakout boards, buck converter, eInk, eInk display, ePaper, fingerprint scanner, fingerprint sensor, Gizmo, MicroPython, new products, pressure sensor, qt py, Raspberry Pi Pico, RP2040 —
Tags: AAE, altimeter, biometrics, book, breakout board, breakout boards, buck converter, eInk, eInk display, ePaper, fingerprint scanner, fingerprint sensor, Gizmo, MicroPython, new products, pressure sensor, qt py, Raspberry Pi Pico, RP2040 —
New Products 11/25/2020 Featuring Adafruit SGP40 Air Quality Sensor Breakout – VOC Index – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, adafruit Clue, air quality, air quality sensor, bbc microbit, Clue, eInk, eInk display, eInk Displays, ePaper, ePaper eInk, ethernet, FeatherWing, featherwings, gas sensor, gas sensors, keyboard, keyboards, LCD display, LCD Displays, microbit, new products, poe splitter, power over ethernet, QWERTY, sensirion, tri-color, voc —
Tags: AAE, adafruit Clue, air quality, air quality sensor, bbc microbit, Clue, eInk, eInk display, eInk Displays, ePaper, ePaper eInk, ethernet, FeatherWing, featherwings, gas sensor, gas sensors, keyboard, keyboards, LCD display, LCD Displays, microbit, new products, poe splitter, power over ethernet, QWERTY, sensirion, tri-color, voc —