Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: 555, AAE, binho, breakout board, breakout boards, EMSL, Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, feather, kits and projects, new products, qwiic, raspberry pi, stemma, stemmaqt, timer, USB —
Tags: 555, AAE, binho, breakout board, breakout boards, EMSL, Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, feather, kits and projects, new products, qwiic, raspberry pi, stemma, stemmaqt, timer, USB —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, ald, books, community, EE, EE bookshelf, EMSL & EggBot, history, maker business, science, space, STEM, time travel, wearables, Women In STEM —
Tags: activists, books, chemistry, EMSL, Engineering, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, Wearables, women in STEM —
Tags: activists, books, chemistry, EMSL, Engineering, space, time travel, time travel tuesday, Wearables, women in STEM —