Via Discord: Middle School students make teacher “escape rooms” #CircuitPlaygroundExpress #CircuitPython @MSMakeCode @Adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Circuit Playground Express, CircuitPython, education, educators, Learning, MakeCode, projects —
Tags: circuit playground express, circuitpython, education, escape room, learning, MakeCode, projects, puzzles —
Tags: circuit playground express, circuitpython, education, escape room, learning, MakeCode, projects, puzzles —
NEW GUIDE: John Park’s Mystery Box – NeoMatrix Mk I @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit
— by John Park
Filed under: arduino, clocks, cosplay, enclosures/cases, gaming, lasers, leds-lcds, Metro, NeoPixels, projects, science fiction, tutorials —
Tags: box, epilog, escape room, keypad, laser cutter, matrix, mystery box, neosegment, phone, prop, puzzle, rgb display, segment —
Tags: box, epilog, escape room, keypad, laser cutter, matrix, mystery box, neosegment, phone, prop, puzzle, rgb display, segment —
NEW GUIDE: John Park’s Mystery Box: Chess Board Puzzle Lock @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit
— by John Park
Filed under: adafruit learning system, arduino, feather, projects, robotics —
Tags: effects, escape room, halloween, hidden compartment, illusion, john park, lockbox, magic, mystery box, prop, wireless —
Tags: effects, escape room, halloween, hidden compartment, illusion, john park, lockbox, magic, mystery box, prop, wireless —
#TrueDungeon is a 40,000 Square Foot Immersive D&D Experience | #dungeons & #dragons
— by nicknormal
Filed under: community, cosplay, costuming, events, gaming —
Tags: cosplay prop, cosplay props, dungeons and dragons, escape room, GenCon, prop, props —
Tags: cosplay prop, cosplay props, dungeons and dragons, escape room, GenCon, prop, props —
NEW GUIDE: John Park’s Mystery Box: Crypto Countdown Case @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit
— by John Park
Filed under: adafruit learning system, arduino, clocks, clocks & watches, cosplay, costuming, enclosures/cases, feather, gaming, lasers, materials, projects, prototyping, science fiction, tutorials —
Tags: arduino, bomb, briefcase, cosplay, escape room, escape room props, feather, mystery box, prop, soviet, spy, timer —
Tags: arduino, bomb, briefcase, cosplay, escape room, escape room props, feather, mystery box, prop, soviet, spy, timer —