Filed under: Adafruit Playground, RTOS, software, tutorials, Zephyr —
Tags: ESP32-S3, getting started, qy py, west, zephyr, Zephyr Project —
Tags: ESP32-S3, getting started, qy py, west, zephyr, Zephyr Project —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, —
Tags: Adafruit IO, adafruit learn guide, ESP32-S3, pyleap —
Tags: Adafruit IO, adafruit learn guide, ESP32-S3, pyleap —
Filed under: adafruit learning system —
Tags: Adafruit, ESP32-S3, IoT, metro, no code, wippersnapper —
Tags: Adafruit, ESP32-S3, IoT, metro, no code, wippersnapper —
Filed under: Adafruit IO, adafruit learning system, apps, CircuitPython, displays, ESP32-S3, graphics, idevices, internet of things, iOS, iPhone, qualia —
Tags: Adafruit IO, apple shortcuts, circuitpython, ESP32-S3, internet of things, iOS, IoT, itsasnap, MQTT, qualia, Qualia S3 iOS Photo Display with itsaSNAP, round display —
Tags: Adafruit IO, apple shortcuts, circuitpython, ESP32-S3, internet of things, iOS, IoT, itsasnap, MQTT, qualia, Qualia S3 iOS Photo Display with itsaSNAP, round display —
Filed under: displays, ESP32-S3, feather, Feather of the Day, stemma —
Tags: bluetooth LE, ESP32-S3, feather, Feather ESP32-S3 TFT, Stemma QT, wifi —
Tags: bluetooth LE, ESP32-S3, feather, Feather ESP32-S3 TFT, Stemma QT, wifi —
Filed under: ESP32-S3, Upcycling, vintage computing —
Tags: BASIC, ESP32-S3, LCD display, zx spectrum —
Tags: BASIC, ESP32-S3, LCD display, zx spectrum —