Day 9: Retrocomputing Advent Calendar – The Apple Lisa #retrocomputing #firstcomputer #electronics
— by phillip torrone
Filed under: retro —
Tags: 1980scomputers, 1983tech, applecomputer, applefans, applehistory, applelisa, computerlegacy, computermilestone, computinghistory, computinginnovation, firstcomputer, firstmac, floppydisk, graphicalinterface, GUI, historictech, macintosh, memoryprotection, motorola68000, personalcomputers, profiledrive, retrocomputing, techhistory, techmemories, technostalgia, techthrowback, twiggydrive, userinterface, vintagecomputers, vintagehardware —
Tags: 1980scomputers, 1983tech, applecomputer, applefans, applehistory, applelisa, computerlegacy, computermilestone, computinghistory, computinginnovation, firstcomputer, firstmac, floppydisk, graphicalinterface, GUI, historictech, macintosh, memoryprotection, motorola68000, personalcomputers, profiledrive, retrocomputing, techhistory, techmemories, technostalgia, techthrowback, twiggydrive, userinterface, vintagecomputers, vintagehardware —
MPDisplay: Universal display and event drivers for Python, MicroPython, CircuitPython
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: CircuitPython, displays, graphics, micropython, python —
Tags: circuitpython, display, graphics, GUI, MicroPython, python —
Tags: circuitpython, display, graphics, GUI, MicroPython, python —
Filed under: CircuitPython, Keyboards, software —
Tags: circuitpython, editor, GUI, keyboard, KMK, POG —
Tags: circuitpython, editor, GUI, keyboard, KMK, POG —
Filed under: power supply, reverse engineering, software —
Tags: driver, GUI, interface, power supply —
Tags: driver, GUI, interface, power supply —
The Slint 1.0 GUI toolkit ported to microcontrollers #OpenSource #PiDay @Raspberry_Pi @slint_ui
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: graphics, Raspberry Pi, RP2040 —
Tags: graphics, GUI, Raspberry Pi Pico, Slint, toolkit —
Tags: graphics, GUI, Raspberry Pi Pico, Slint, toolkit —
Filed under: design and architecture, history, software, vintage computing —
Tags: design, GUI, vintage computing, web, web interface —
Tags: design, GUI, vintage computing, web, web interface —