New Products 10/16/19 Featuring #Adafruit Mini #PiTFT – 135×240 Color TFT Add-on for #RaspberryPi! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, arduino, books, components and parts, connectors, enclosures, ftdi, heat sinks, mono, neopixel, neopixel leds, new products, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi 4 —
Tags: AAE, arduino, books, components and parts, connectors, enclosures, ftdi, heat sinks, mono, neopixel, neopixel leds, new products, raspberry pi, Raspberry Pi 4 —
Filed under: Uncategorized —
Tags: components, cooling, heat sinks, new products, pi 3, raspberry pi —
Tags: components, cooling, heat sinks, new products, pi 3, raspberry pi —
Filed under: ask-an-engineer —
Tags: arduino, cameras, clock kits, computers, diy projects, electronics, Engineering, feathers, fibonacci, GPS, hackrs, heat sinks, high power, internet, IoT, kits, makers, new, new products, open source, projects, raspberry pi, time, video, web, wifi —
Tags: arduino, cameras, clock kits, computers, diy projects, electronics, Engineering, feathers, fibonacci, GPS, hackrs, heat sinks, high power, internet, IoT, kits, makers, new, new products, open source, projects, raspberry pi, time, video, web, wifi —