A redundant array of mDNS HTTP servers on the cheap with #CircuitPython #ESP32 @anecdat
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: announce, breaking news, ESP32-S2, featured, software, wireless —
Tags: circuitpython, ESP32-S2, http, mDNS —
Tags: circuitpython, ESP32-S2, http, mDNS —
Tunneling HTTP over NFC on Android using Host Card Emulation @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi
— by Kelly
Filed under: android, community, customer projects, Raspberry Pi, rfid / nfc —
Tags: android, community, customer projects, http, NFC, pi 3, pi day, raspberry pi, RFID —
Tags: android, community, customer projects, http, NFC, pi 3, pi day, raspberry pi, RFID —