The Great Search: 2×5 0.05″ JTAG / SWD connector and cable #TheGreatSearch #digikey #adafruit @DigiKey @Adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Adafruit Video, components & parts, Connectors, debugging, The Great Search —
Tags: atmel, debugging, digikey, firmware debugging and development, headers, ice, j-link, SWD, swd header, The Great Search —
Tags: atmel, debugging, digikey, firmware debugging and development, headers, ice, j-link, SWD, swd header, The Great Search —
Filed under: 3D printing, Adabox, adafruit learning system, Circuit Playground Express, cosplay, costuming, displays, gift ideas, Gizmo, leds-lcds, projects, tutorials, wearables —
Tags: animated, anna, disney, elements, elsa, erin st blaine, erinstblaine, frozen, GIF, Gizmo, ice, necklace, olaf, pixar, salamander, snowflake, tinkerpixie —
Tags: animated, anna, disney, elements, elsa, erin st blaine, erinstblaine, frozen, GIF, Gizmo, ice, necklace, olaf, pixar, salamander, snowflake, tinkerpixie —
How to Be an Ice Watcher #CitizenScience #weather #science #environment #DIY #climatechange
— by Leslie Birch
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, CitizenScience, DIY, science —
Tags: citizen, citizenscience, climate, diy, environment, ice, science, weather —
Tags: citizen, citizenscience, climate, diy, environment, ice, science, weather —