Filed under: history, photography —
Tags: invention, inventions, inventor, inventors, photography, Polarization, polaroid —
Tags: invention, inventions, inventor, inventors, photography, Polarization, polaroid —
Filed under: maker business, Maker to Market, manufacturing —
Tags: copyright, invention, inventions, inventor, inventors, patent, patents, trademarks —
Tags: copyright, invention, inventions, inventor, inventors, patent, patents, trademarks —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: EE, events, history, holiday, maker business, NYC, science, space, STEM, time travel —
Tags: engineer, hackaday, inventor, labor day, space, time travel, time travel tuesday —
Tags: engineer, hackaday, inventor, labor day, space, time travel, time travel tuesday —
Filed under: clocks & watches, history —
Tags: cleaning, cleanroom, inventions, inventor, inventors —
Tags: cleaning, cleanroom, inventions, inventor, inventors —
Time Travel Tuesday #timetravel a look back at the Adafruit, maker, science, technology and engineering world
— by Jessica
Filed under: code, computers, events, history, physics, science, science fiction, STEM, time travel, Women In STEM —
Tags: computer science, engineers, inventor, science fiction, time travel, time travel tuesday, women in STEM —
Tags: computer science, engineers, inventor, science fiction, time travel, time travel tuesday, women in STEM —