Filed under: 3D printing, science fiction —
Tags: 3D printing, 3d thursday, jim henson, the dark crystal —
Tags: 3D printing, 3d thursday, jim henson, the dark crystal —
Filed under: Adabox, adafruit learning system, Cartoons, CircuitPython, cosplay, costuming, DIY, halloween, MONSTER M4SK, open source, tutorials, Uncategorized, wearables —
Tags: animatronic, bark, cosplay, dark crystal, diy, erin st blaine, fizgig, fizzgig, gelfling, jim henson, Make, movie, OLED, prop, puppet, robot, robotic —
Tags: animatronic, bark, cosplay, dark crystal, diy, erin st blaine, fizgig, fizzgig, gelfling, jim henson, Make, movie, OLED, prop, puppet, robot, robotic —
Filed under: design and architecture —
Tags: design and architecture, font, jim henson, kermit, kernit, typeface —
Tags: design and architecture, font, jim henson, kermit, kernit, typeface —