New Products 5/5/2021 featuring Adafruit I2C QT Rotary Encoder with NeoPixel – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, bare leds, eInk, eInk display, jumper wire, jumper wires, MoistureSensor, Monochromatic, monochrome, neopixel, neopixel leds, neopixels, new products, prototyping, Rotary, rotary encoder, sensor, sensors —
Tags: AAE, bare leds, eInk, eInk display, jumper wire, jumper wires, MoistureSensor, Monochromatic, monochrome, neopixel, neopixel leds, neopixels, new products, prototyping, Rotary, rotary encoder, sensor, sensors —
New Products 2/5/2020 Featuring Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense! @adafruit #adafruit #newproducts
— by Stephanie
Filed under: Adabox, components & parts, displays, enclosures/cases, LEGO, LEGOs, New Products, Raspberry Pi —
Tags: adabox, Adafruit, cables, chip, Clue, controller, display, enclosures, jumper wire, legos, new products, newproducts, pimoroni, raspberry pi —
Tags: adabox, Adafruit, cables, chip, Clue, controller, display, enclosures, jumper wire, legos, new products, newproducts, pimoroni, raspberry pi —
New Products 8/7/2019 Featuring #PJRC #Teensy 4.0 USB Development Board #adafruit #newproducts @Adafruit
— by Stephanie
Filed under: NeoPixels, New Products, sensorsparts, teensy —
Tags: Adafruit, alligator clips, ds3502, jumper wire, lux sensor, neopixel, new products, newproducts, potentiometer, potentiometer breakout, proximity and lux sensor, PyRuler, sensors, skinny neopixel strip, stemma, teensy, teensy 4, vcnl4040 —
Tags: Adafruit, alligator clips, ds3502, jumper wire, lux sensor, neopixel, new products, newproducts, potentiometer, potentiometer breakout, proximity and lux sensor, PyRuler, sensors, skinny neopixel strip, stemma, teensy, teensy 4, vcnl4040 —