Adafruit Weekly Editorial Round-Up: Adafruit + Industry City, RPi releases the RP2350 microcontroller, Location-Aware Display with PyPortal and more!
— by Jessie Mae
Filed under: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies —
Tags: adafruit learn guide, learn system, weekly editorial roundup —
Tags: adafruit learn guide, learn system, weekly editorial roundup —
Adafruit Weekly Editorial Round-Up: #ElectronicHalloween, LED backpacks, CircuitPython 8.0.0 Beta, Adafruit ENS160 MOX Gas Sensor and more!
— by Jessie Mae
Filed under: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies —
Tags: blog, circuitpython, Electronic Halloween, halloween, learn system —
Tags: blog, circuitpython, Electronic Halloween, halloween, learn system —