Draw This: Machine Learning Powered Instant Sketches #MachineLearning #DIY #AI #RaspberryPi #Quickdraw #TensorFlow #Cartoonify
— by Becca
Filed under: art, Artificial intelligence, machine learning, photography, Raspberry Pi, TensorFlow —
Tags: aritificial intelligence, machinelearning, neural networks, photography, quick draw, tensorflow —
Tags: aritificial intelligence, machinelearning, neural networks, photography, quick draw, tensorflow —
Metro Mini and BlinkyTiles Combine for a Bit of AI Powered Bling #machinelearning #wearables #metromini #tensorflow #tiny-yolo @stephaniecodes
— by Becca
Filed under: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, Metro, TensorFlow, tinyML, wearables —
Tags: machinelearning, minimetro, tensorflow, tiny-yolo, Wearables —
Tags: machinelearning, minimetro, tensorflow, tiny-yolo, Wearables —