Filed under: books, education, educators —
Tags: books, data, educational, educators, maker education, science —
Tags: books, data, educational, educators, maker education, science —
The Ultimate Robotics + STEM/STEAM Library! @roboweek #NationalRoboticsWeek #RoboWeek #MakeRobotFriend #CRICKIT
— by Stephanie
Filed under: CRICKIT, holiday, robotics —
Tags: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, crickit, educators, maker education, national robotics week, robotics —
Tags: adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, crickit, educators, maker education, national robotics week, robotics —
Filed under: Artificial intelligence, code, educators —
Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, code, educational, educators, maker education, SmartPhone —
Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, code, educational, educators, maker education, SmartPhone —
Filed under: education, educational mini UAVs, educators, young engineers —
Tags: educational, educators, maker education —
Tags: educational, educators, maker education —
Raspberry Pi Announces Build HAT: Create with Raspberry Pi and LEGO Education #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi
— by Stephanie
Filed under: education, educators, LEGO, LEGOs, Legos, Raspberry Pi, young engineers —
Tags: educational, educators, LEGO, maker education, piday, raspberry pi, young engineers —
Tags: educational, educators, LEGO, maker education, piday, raspberry pi, young engineers —
Filed under: education, educators, NYC, young engineers —
Tags: educational, educators, maker education, nyc, young engineers —
Tags: educational, educators, maker education, nyc, young engineers —