Filed under: adafruit learning system, art, cosplay, costuming, DIY, ESP32, Learning, LED Matrix, NeoPixels, open source, projects, show and tell, Sparkle Motion, STEM, stemma, tools, tutorials, wearables, WLED —
Tags: ballgown, cosplay, cosplay diy, costume, diy, dress, fire dress, hoop skirt, ice queen, katniss, leds, lights, matrix, prom dress —
Tags: ballgown, cosplay, cosplay diy, costume, diy, dress, fire dress, hoop skirt, ice queen, katniss, leds, lights, matrix, prom dress —
FeatherWing of the Day: Adafruit DotStar FeatherWing – 6 x 12 RGB LEDs #WingOfTheDay
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: feather, FeatherWing of the Day, LEDs —
Tags: dotstar, DotStars, FeatherWing, leds, matrix —
Tags: dotstar, DotStars, FeatherWing, leds, matrix —