Convertible drone paints images on walls and flat surfaces #Art #Robotics #FromTheForums
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: art, robotics —
Tags: art, drone, flying robot, from the forums, paint, printer, robot —
Tags: art, drone, flying robot, from the forums, paint, printer, robot —
NEW GUIDE: PyPaint Drawing Program In CircuitPython #CircuitPython #Paint #PyPortal #PyBadge #AdafruitLearningSystem @DAstels
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: adafruit learning system, CircuitPython, displays, PyBadge, PyGamer, PyPortal, tutorials —
Tags: circuitpython, displays, paint, pybadge, PyGamer, pyportal, tutorial —
Tags: circuitpython, displays, paint, pybadge, PyGamer, pyportal, tutorial —