Filed under: cameras, Hacks, Restoration —
Tags: camera, cell, Iphone, mobile, phone, repair, temperature —
Tags: camera, cell, Iphone, mobile, phone, repair, temperature —
Filed under: 3D printing, photography —
Tags: 3D printing, adapter, camera, microscope, phone, photography, SmartPhone —
Tags: 3D printing, adapter, camera, microscope, phone, photography, SmartPhone —
Filed under: Adabox, adafruit learning system, bluefruit, bluetooth, Circuit Playground Bluefruit, education, holiday, microcontrollers, NeoPixels, Paper Art, Paper Craft, tutorials —
Tags: bluefruit, bluetooth, cardboard, control, cricut, cutter, erin st blaine, guide, How To, lamp, lantern, learn, luminary, Make, phone, poster, shiny, silhouette, sparkle, tutorial, vinyl —
Tags: bluefruit, bluetooth, cardboard, control, cricut, cutter, erin st blaine, guide, How To, lamp, lantern, learn, luminary, Make, phone, poster, shiny, silhouette, sparkle, tutorial, vinyl —
A Community in West Sumatra Listens for Illegal Loggers with Recycled Cellphones and AI
— by Stephanie
Filed under: apps, Artificial intelligence —
Tags: AI, app, artificial intelligence, phone, recycle —
Tags: AI, app, artificial intelligence, phone, recycle —
From the Forums: a homemade cell phone with a GUI, calling, SMS, and games #FromTheForums #Adafruit @Adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: calculators, cellular, displays, DIY, feather, fona, projects, teensy, telephony —
Tags: 2.8" touchscreen TFT, calculator, cell phone, display shield, feather, fona, from the forums, mobile phone, phone, sms, teensy —
Tags: 2.8" touchscreen TFT, calculator, cell phone, display shield, feather, fona, from the forums, mobile phone, phone, sms, teensy —
NEW GUIDE: John Park’s Mystery Box – NeoMatrix Mk I @adafruit @johnedgarpark #adafruit
— by John Park
Filed under: arduino, clocks, cosplay, enclosures/cases, gaming, lasers, leds-lcds, Metro, NeoPixels, projects, science fiction, tutorials —
Tags: box, epilog, escape room, keypad, laser cutter, matrix, mystery box, neosegment, phone, prop, puzzle, rgb display, segment —
Tags: box, epilog, escape room, keypad, laser cutter, matrix, mystery box, neosegment, phone, prop, puzzle, rgb display, segment —