Filed under: Breakout Boards —
Tags: Adafruit, BU9796, devboard, diyelectronics, electronics, Engineering, hardwaredesign, i2c, LCD, makercommunity, Microcontrollers, newrelease, prototype, stemmaqt, techinnovation —
Tags: Adafruit, BU9796, devboard, diyelectronics, electronics, Engineering, hardwaredesign, i2c, LCD, makercommunity, Microcontrollers, newrelease, prototype, stemmaqt, techinnovation —
Filed under: Breakout Boards —
Tags: 14channel, Adafruit, AS7343, circuitdesign, coloranalysis, diyelectronics, electronics, Engineering, hardware, innovation, lightsensor, prototype, sensor, spectral, technology, techupdate —
Tags: 14channel, Adafruit, AS7343, circuitdesign, coloranalysis, diyelectronics, electronics, Engineering, hardware, innovation, lightsensor, prototype, sensor, spectral, technology, techupdate —
New Products 10/6/2021 Featuring Adafruit VL53L1X Time of Flight Distance Sensor- ~30 to 4000mm – STEMMA QT / Qwiic! (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, AideTek, blinka, cable extender, circuitpython, ESD, ffc, fpc, lipo battery, lipoly, micro hdmi, mini hdmi, neopixel, new products, poster, posters, prototype, pushbutton, pushbuttons, silicone, SMT, storage, time of flight, time of flight distance, time of flight distance sensor —
Tags: AAE, AideTek, blinka, cable extender, circuitpython, ESD, ffc, fpc, lipo battery, lipoly, micro hdmi, mini hdmi, neopixel, new products, poster, posters, prototype, pushbutton, pushbuttons, silicone, SMT, storage, time of flight, time of flight distance, time of flight distance sensor —
Best of Made in NYC Featuring #Adafruit #CircuitPlayground Bluefruit Prototyping! @Adafruit
— by Andy
Filed under: circuit playground, Circuit Playground Bluefruit, manufacturing, Metro, NYC —
Tags: Adafruit, circuit playground express bluefruit, Leatherman, made in nyc, manufacturing, metro m4 airlift, PNP, prototype, stencil —
Tags: Adafruit, circuit playground express bluefruit, Leatherman, made in nyc, manufacturing, metro m4 airlift, PNP, prototype, stencil —
Filed under: feather, manufacturing, NYC —
Tags: ethernet featherwing, feather, LED matrix, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, prototype, solder, stencil —
Tags: ethernet featherwing, feather, LED matrix, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, prototype, solder, stencil —
Made in NYC 7/17/2019 Featuring #Adafruit #CircuitPlayground Bluefruit Prototyping! @Adafruit
— by Stephanie
Filed under: circuit playground, manufacturing, Metro, NYC —
Tags: Adafruit, circuit playground express bluefruit, Leatherman, made in nyc, manufacturing, metro m4 airlift, PNP, prototype, stencil —
Tags: Adafruit, circuit playground express bluefruit, Leatherman, made in nyc, manufacturing, metro m4 airlift, PNP, prototype, stencil —
Made in NYC 6/12/2019 Featuring #Adafruit LED Matrix Backpack Test and Prep! @Adafruit
— by Stephanie
Filed under: feather, manufacturing, NYC —
Tags: ethernet featherwing, feather, LED matrix, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, prototype, solder, stencil —
Tags: ethernet featherwing, feather, LED matrix, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, prototype, solder, stencil —
Filed under: design and architecture, disassembly, prototyping —
Tags: apple, development, prototype, telephone, WALT —
Tags: apple, development, prototype, telephone, WALT —