Filed under: QT Py, Raspberry Pi, RP2040, Trinkey —
Tags: qt py, qt py rp2040, raspberry pi, RP2040 —
Tags: qt py, qt py rp2040, raspberry pi, RP2040 —
Using USB Host in Arduino and RP2040 using TinyUSB #PiDay #Arduino #QTPy @HisashiKato @Raspberry_Pi
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: arduino, Raspberry Pi, RP2040, tinyUSB, USB —
Tags: keyboard, mouse, PS/4, qt py rp2040, raspberry pi, RP2040, usb host —
Tags: keyboard, mouse, PS/4, qt py rp2040, raspberry pi, RP2040, usb host —
New Guide: Tandy 1000 Keyboard to USB HID with CircuitPython #Adafruit #CircuitPython #SepTandy
— by Jeff Epler
Filed under: adafruit learning system, CircuitPython, retro, vintage computing —
Tags: adafruit learn guide, adafruit learning system, Adafruit QT Py, circuitpython, computerkeyboard, guide, HID, qt py rp2040, RP2040, septandy, USB —
Tags: adafruit learn guide, adafruit learning system, Adafruit QT Py, circuitpython, computerkeyboard, guide, HID, qt py rp2040, RP2040, septandy, USB —
NEW GUIDE: CircuitPython MIDI to CV Skull #AdafruitLearningSystem @Adafruit @BlitzCityDIY
— by Liz Clark
Filed under: adafruit learning system, Breakout Boards, CircuitPython, MIDI, music, QT Py, RP2040, stemma, Stemma QT, tutorials —
Tags: circuitpython, DAC, MCP4725, MIDI, music technology, qt py rp2040, Stemma QT, synth —
Tags: circuitpython, DAC, MCP4725, MIDI, music technology, qt py rp2040, Stemma QT, synth —
Made in NYC 2/9/2022 Featuring QT Py RP2040 Twin Testers & Selective Soldering MacroPads
— by Stephanie
Filed under: Adafruit Video, feather, MacroPad, manufacturing, NYC, QT Py, RP2040 —
Tags: Feather RP2040, KB2040, macropad, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, qt py, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Tags: Feather RP2040, KB2040, macropad, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, qt py, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Filed under: Adafruit Video, Keyboards, MacroPad, manufacturing, NYC, QT Py, RP2040 —
Tags: adabot, adafruit machine line, kee boar driver, macropad, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, qt py rp2040, RP2040, testing —
Tags: adabot, adafruit machine line, kee boar driver, macropad, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, qt py rp2040, RP2040, testing —
Filed under: feather, ItsyBitsy, QT Py, Raspberry Pi —
Tags: Feather RP2040, ItsyBitsy RP2040, Pico, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Tags: Feather RP2040, ItsyBitsy RP2040, Pico, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Filed under: New Products, RP2040 —
Tags: Adafruit QT Py, development board, development boards, new products, qt py, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Tags: Adafruit QT Py, development board, development boards, new products, qt py, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Filed under: Adafruit Video, bluefruit, manufacturing, NYC, QT Py, RP2040 —
Tags: bluefruit, bluefruit friend, cyberdeck, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, qt py, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —
Tags: bluefruit, bluefruit friend, cyberdeck, made in nyc, manufacturing, nyc, qt py, qt py rp2040, RP2040 —