Filed under: Breakout Boards, New Products —
Tags: new products, sd card, SD cards, SPI, spi flash, XTSD —
Tags: new products, sd card, SD cards, SPI, spi flash, XTSD —
Filed under: clocks, feather, FeatherWing of the Day —
Tags: adalogger, logging, pcf8523, real time clock, rtc, sd card —
Tags: adalogger, logging, pcf8523, real time clock, rtc, sd card —
NEW GUIDE: Adafruit Audio BFF #AdafruitLearningSystem #Adafruit @adafruit @blitzcitydiy
— by Liz Clark
Filed under: adafruit learning system, arduino, audio, Audio, Breakout Boards, CircuitPython, QT Py, QT Py BFF —
Tags: arduino, audio, audio bff, bff, circuitpython, i2s, max98357, qt py, qt py bff, sd card —
Tags: arduino, audio, audio bff, bff, circuitpython, i2s, max98357, qt py, qt py bff, sd card —
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, adafruit feather, ask an engineer, ATTEN, browndages, diy keyboard, ESP32, ESP32-S3, Espressif, feather, feathers, kailh, keeb, key switch, memory cards, microSD, microSD cards, MicroSDCard, new products, NovelKeys, pink, Reflow Soldering, rework, rework nozzles, RP2040, sd card, SD cards, servo, servos, soldering, torque —
Tags: AAE, adafruit feather, ask an engineer, ATTEN, browndages, diy keyboard, ESP32, ESP32-S3, Espressif, feather, feathers, kailh, keeb, key switch, memory cards, microSD, microSD cards, MicroSDCard, new products, NovelKeys, pink, Reflow Soldering, rework, rework nozzles, RP2040, sd card, SD cards, servo, servos, soldering, torque —