Filed under: New Products, QT Py —
Tags: arduino compatibles, expansion board, new products, qt py, seeed, seeeduino, xiao —
Tags: arduino compatibles, expansion board, new products, qt py, seeed, seeeduino, xiao —
Filed under: development board, internet of things —
Tags: atsamd51, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, circuitpython, dev boards, development board, development boards, internet of things, IoT, seeed, wifi —
Tags: atsamd51, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, circuitpython, dev boards, development board, development boards, internet of things, IoT, seeed, wifi —
Filed under: feather, New Products —
Tags: feather, FeatherWing, featherwings, grove, new products, particle, seeed, shield, shields —
Tags: feather, FeatherWing, featherwings, grove, new products, particle, seeed, shield, shields —
Filed under: New Products, particle, stemma —
Tags: FeatherWing, featherwings, grove, IoT, new products, particle, seeed, shield, stemma, stemmaqt, uart —
Tags: FeatherWing, featherwings, grove, IoT, new products, particle, seeed, shield, stemma, stemmaqt, uart —