Filed under: adafruit learning system, art, cosplay, costuming, culture, discover electronics, DIY, Electronics, halloween, Learning, LEDs, STEM, tutorials, wearables —
Tags: animated, Anime, build, cosplay, costume, craft, easy, EL wire, electroluminescent, electronichalloween, glowing, harness, Make, neon, simple, stick figure, stick man, stickman, suit —
Tags: animated, Anime, build, cosplay, costume, craft, easy, EL wire, electroluminescent, electronichalloween, glowing, harness, Make, neon, simple, stick figure, stick man, stickman, suit —
Filed under: Accelerometer, adafruit learning system, animation, code, displays, DIY, Electronics, enclosures/cases, fashion, graphics, internet of things, Learning, LEDs, leds-lcds, made with code, Programming, projects, STEM, tutorials, Uncategorized, wearables, Women In STEM —
Tags: animated, backpack, battery, beginner, beginner's guide, carry, display, handbag, lights, message, messenger, nyancat, purse, rgb, sign, simple, slideshow, vote, wearable —
Tags: animated, backpack, battery, beginner, beginner's guide, carry, display, handbag, lights, message, messenger, nyancat, purse, rgb, sign, simple, slideshow, vote, wearable —
Filed under: Cartoon Network, Circuit Playground Express, cosplay, costuming, culture, DIY, education, educators, Learning, LEDs, MakeCode, NeoPixels, tutorials —
Tags: beginner, cartoon network, easy, kids, led, light up, Make, parasol, pink, rose quartz, shield, simple, steven universe, tutorial, umbrella, weekend —
Tags: beginner, cartoon network, easy, kids, led, light up, Make, parasol, pink, rose quartz, shield, simple, steven universe, tutorial, umbrella, weekend —