Filed under: Accelerometer, adafruit learning system, animation, code, displays, DIY, Electronics, enclosures/cases, fashion, graphics, internet of things, Learning, LEDs, leds-lcds, made with code, Programming, projects, STEM, tutorials, Uncategorized, wearables, Women In STEM —
Tags: animated, backpack, battery, beginner, beginner's guide, carry, display, handbag, lights, message, messenger, nyancat, purse, rgb, sign, simple, slideshow, vote, wearable —
Tags: animated, backpack, battery, beginner, beginner's guide, carry, display, handbag, lights, message, messenger, nyancat, purse, rgb, sign, simple, slideshow, vote, wearable —
Filed under: CircuitPython, displays, PyPortal, wireless —
Tags: circuitpython, ESP32, image display, pyportal, slideshow, wifi —
Tags: circuitpython, ESP32, image display, pyportal, slideshow, wifi —
NEW GUIDE: Creating Slideshows in CircuitPython #CircuitPython #PyPortal #AdafruitLearningSystem #Adafruit @Adafruit
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: adafruit learning system, CircuitPython, feather, PyBadge, PyGamer, PyPortal —
Tags: circuitpython, displayio, hallowing, pybadge, PyGamer, pyportal, slideshow —
Tags: circuitpython, displayio, hallowing, pybadge, PyGamer, pyportal, slideshow —