Filed under: biohacking —
Tags: biohacking, biohacking conferences, biohacking summit, biohacking village, books, conferences, hvmn, mastering nutrition, podcasts, resources, satchin panda, smartdrugssmarts, talks, the circadian code, the drive —
Tags: biohacking, biohacking conferences, biohacking summit, biohacking village, books, conferences, hvmn, mastering nutrition, podcasts, resources, satchin panda, smartdrugssmarts, talks, the circadian code, the drive —
Filed under: community, internet of things —
Tags: 33c3, IoT, IoTuesday, lockpicking, presentation, talks —
Tags: 33c3, IoT, IoTuesday, lockpicking, presentation, talks —
Manufacturing in NY, Molecular Manufacturing, & Other Topics at DFM Summit #20 | @DFMForum @autodesk
— by nicknormal
Filed under: community, events —
Tags: 3D printing, design, fabrication, manufacturing, manufacturing day, Manufacturing Monday, manufacturingmonday, panel, presentation, summit, talks —
Tags: 3D printing, design, fabrication, manufacturing, manufacturing day, Manufacturing Monday, manufacturingmonday, panel, presentation, summit, talks —
Filed under: announce, breaking news, events, featured, NYC —
Tags: events, keynote speaker, Limor Fried, nyc, talks —
Tags: events, keynote speaker, Limor Fried, nyc, talks —
Design for Manufacturing Summit #17 is This Week in DUMBO, Brooklyn! @whitehouse @DFMForum @mfgday #MFGDay16
— by nicknormal
Filed under: events, manufacturing —
Tags: 3D printing, design, fabrication, manufacturing, manufacturing day, Manufacturing Monday, manufacturingmonday, panel, presentation, summit, talks —
Tags: 3D printing, design, fabrication, manufacturing, manufacturing day, Manufacturing Monday, manufacturingmonday, panel, presentation, summit, talks —
Filed under: biohacking —
Tags: biohacking, biology, calendar, conferences, diy, events, hardware, human, meetup, talks, transhumanism —
Tags: biohacking, biology, calendar, conferences, diy, events, hardware, human, meetup, talks, transhumanism —