Filed under: feather, FeatherWing of the Day, teensy —
Tags: adapter, feather, lipo, teensy 3, TEENSY 3.2, teensy 3.x —
Tags: adapter, feather, lipo, teensy 3, TEENSY 3.2, teensy 3.x —
Full Build Design for RFID E-Lock, uses PN532 Controller, Vehicle Battery, Teensy 3.2
— by nicknormal
Filed under: customer projects, rfid / nfc —
Tags: 12V, battery, car battery, Door, lock, relay, RFID, solenoids, switch, teensy, TEENSY 3.2 —
Tags: 12V, battery, car battery, Door, lock, relay, RFID, solenoids, switch, teensy, TEENSY 3.2 —