Generate Facial Filters with #Shaderbooth #Facemesh and #tensorflow.js #MachineLearning @maxbittker
— by Becca
Filed under: Artificial intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning, machine learning, TensorFlow —
Tags: art, facemesh, filters, GLSL, machine learning, shaderbooth, tensorflow, tensorflow.js —
Tags: art, facemesh, filters, GLSL, machine learning, shaderbooth, tensorflow, tensorflow.js —
Street Fighter with TensorFlow Packs a Punch #TensorFlow #Javascript #Arduino #StreetFighter #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence @devdevcharlie
— by Becca
Filed under: arduino, Artificial intelligence, gaming, machine learning, TensorFlow, Uncategorized —
Tags: arduino, artificial intelligence, javascript, machine learning, tensorflow, tensorflow.js —
Tags: arduino, artificial intelligence, javascript, machine learning, tensorflow, tensorflow.js —