Filed under: 3D printing, bluetooth, machine learning, wearables —
Tags: 3DPrinting, BLE, tinyML, wearable, wearable wednesday —
Tags: 3DPrinting, BLE, tinyML, wearable, wearable wednesday —
Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers and…Shell Scripts? #TensorFlow #TFlite #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #Make #ShellScripts @TensorFlow @petewarden
— by Becca
Filed under: Artificial intelligence, Data Science, microcontrollers, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, tinyML —
Tags: artificial intelligence, machine learning, Microcontrollers, shell scripts, tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tinyML —
Tags: artificial intelligence, machine learning, Microcontrollers, shell scripts, tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tinyML —
ML Everywhere with Inexpensive Microcontrollers #TinyML #TFlite #BangleJS #NodeWatch #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence @nearform @espruino
— by Becca
Filed under: Artificial intelligence, bluetooth, Data Science, Deep Learning, DIY, Edge Computing, Learning, machine learning, microcontrollers, open source, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, tinyML, wearables —
Tags: artificial intelligence, bangle.js, diy, espruino, machine learning, NearForm, NodeWatch, open source, tensorflow lite, tinyML, Wearables —
Tags: artificial intelligence, bangle.js, diy, espruino, machine learning, NearForm, NodeWatch, open source, tensorflow lite, tinyML, Wearables —
Gesture Wand on the Edge with Particle’s Xenon and TF #Tensorflowlite #machinelearning #AI #artificialintelligence #particle
— by Becca
Filed under: Accelerometer, Artificial intelligence, Data Science, Deep Learning, Edge Computing, internet of things, machine learning, TensorFlow, TensorFlow Lite, tinyML —
Tags: accelerometer, artificial intelligence, deep learning, EDGE COMPUTING, IoT, machine learning, particle, tensorflow lite, tinyML, Xenon —
Tags: accelerometer, artificial intelligence, deep learning, EDGE COMPUTING, IoT, machine learning, particle, tensorflow lite, tinyML, Xenon —
Machine learning bubble blowing … Tiny Machine Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite Running on SAMD51 @arduino @tensorflow #tinyML #tensorflow #machinelearning #ai
— by phillip torrone
Filed under: arduino, Artificial intelligence, Edge Computing, featured, hackchat, machine learning, tinyML —
Tags: AI, EDGE COMPUTING, machine learning, tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tinyML —
Tags: AI, EDGE COMPUTING, machine learning, tensorflow, tensorflow lite, tinyML —
Filed under: 3D printing, Adafruit Blog, adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, Circuit Playground Express, CircuitPython, internet of things, machine learning, MakeCode, maker business, Raspberry Pi, trinket —
Tags: 3dpriting, Adafruit, Adafruit Blog, adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, AI, AirLift, circuit playground express, Circuit Python, holiday shipping, internet of things, IoT, machine learning, MakeCode, pi4, pybadge, PyGamer, raspberry pi, shipping, tensorflow, tensorsflow lite, tinyML, trinket m0 —
Tags: 3dpriting, Adafruit, Adafruit Blog, adafruit learning system, adafruit learning technologies, AI, AirLift, circuit playground express, Circuit Python, holiday shipping, internet of things, IoT, machine learning, MakeCode, pi4, pybadge, PyGamer, raspberry pi, shipping, tensorflow, tensorsflow lite, tinyML, trinket m0 —