Filed under: Makers, projects —
Tags: adventurers, coolest cooler, makerspace, school buses, travel —
Tags: adventurers, coolest cooler, makerspace, school buses, travel —
EU votes to create gigantic biometrics database #Biometrics #Privacy #EU @ZDNet @campuscodi
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: biometric, community, Security —
Tags: biometrics, data security, eu, european union, privacy, security, travel —
Tags: biometrics, data security, eu, european union, privacy, security, travel —
Filed under: biohacking —
Tags: age, biohacking, fatigue, hangover, health, hydration, illness, intravenous nutrient therapy, ivnt, recovery, stress, travel —
Tags: age, biohacking, fatigue, hangover, health, hydration, illness, intravenous nutrient therapy, ivnt, recovery, stress, travel —
How to Help the Amazon and Save on a Research Adventure #CitizenScience #science #travel
— by Leslie Birch
Filed under: Adafruit Blog, photography, science —
Tags: amazon, biology, birding, birds, citizen science, citizenscience, Conservation, diy, eco, environment, insects, photography, rainforest, science, travel —
Tags: amazon, biology, birding, birds, citizen science, citizenscience, Conservation, diy, eco, environment, insects, photography, rainforest, science, travel —