Filed under: AR, Augmented Reality, Raspberry Pi —
Tags: AR, Augmented Reality, raspberry pi, wearable —
Tags: AR, Augmented Reality, raspberry pi, wearable —
Filed under: 3D printing, halloween, wearables —
Tags: 3DPrinting, 3DThursday, halloween, wearable —
Tags: 3DPrinting, 3DThursday, halloween, wearable —
Filed under: gaming, history —
Tags: history, nintendo, vintage gaming, wearable, wearablewednesday —
Tags: history, nintendo, vintage gaming, wearable, wearablewednesday —
Filed under: cosplay, costuming, halloween —
Tags: Electronic Halloween, halloween, movie, wearable, wearablewednesday —
Tags: Electronic Halloween, halloween, movie, wearable, wearablewednesday —
Filed under: CircuitPython, community, internet of things, wearables —
Tags: Adafruit Community, circuitpython, project, RFID, Sent in, wearable —
Tags: Adafruit Community, circuitpython, project, RFID, Sent in, wearable —
Skyrim Player Uses Real World Step Tracking Tech to Actually Walk the 7,000 Steps #WearableWednesday
— by Ben
Filed under: Accelerometer, gaming, wearables —
Tags: apps, Gamer, gaming, wearable, wearablewednesday —
Tags: apps, Gamer, gaming, wearable, wearablewednesday —