The Great Search: LoRa 915MHz ISM band antenna #TheGreatSearch #DigiKey @DigiKey #deskofladyada
— by Anne Barela
Filed under: Adafruit Video, components & parts, LoRa, The Great Search —
Tags: antenna, digikey, display, ISM band, LoRa, RF, sma, ufl, whip —
Tags: antenna, digikey, display, ISM band, LoRa, RF, sma, ufl, whip —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, art, CircuitPython, code, cosplay, costuming, discover electronics, DIY, Electronics, feather, gaming, LEDs, made with code, Makers, microcontrollers, NeoPixels, projects, sound, STEM, tutorials, wearables —
Tags: animated, bull whip, burner, burning man, cosplay, costume, cowboy, crackable, diy, future, learn, leather, nylon, paracord, playa, project, space, steampunk, style, tutorial, whip —
Tags: animated, bull whip, burner, burning man, cosplay, costume, cowboy, crackable, diy, future, learn, leather, nylon, paracord, playa, project, space, steampunk, style, tutorial, whip —