Filed under: Adafruit Blog, EE, events, history, internet of things, open source hardware, Raspberry Pi, STEM, watches, wearables —
Tags: Adafruit Top 10, CDs, darwin, laundry, music, pi camera, pi zero, raspberry pi, sensors, Spark X, speech recognition, State of the Fruit, Wearables, white house —
Tags: Adafruit Top 10, CDs, darwin, laundry, music, pi camera, pi zero, raspberry pi, sensors, Spark X, speech recognition, State of the Fruit, Wearables, white house —
Filed under: biohacking —
Tags: bacteria, biohacking, gangrene, gastroenteritis, influenzae, president, septic, staphylococcus, ubiome, white house —
Tags: bacteria, biohacking, gangrene, gastroenteritis, influenzae, president, septic, staphylococcus, ubiome, white house —
DIY Girls Aims to Empower Girls to Facilitate Innovation @DIYGirls #NationOfMakers #WeekofMaking @whitehouseostp
— by Stephanie
Filed under: 3D printing, community, holiday, STEM, wearables, Women In STEM, young engineers —
Tags: 3DPrinting, Nation of Makers, National Week of Making, STEAM, STEM, Wearables, white house, women in STEM, young engineers —
Tags: 3DPrinting, Nation of Makers, National Week of Making, STEAM, STEM, Wearables, white house, women in STEM, young engineers —
Filed under: community, educators, holiday, math, science, STEM, Women In STEM, young engineers —
Tags: community, holiday, Nation of Makers, National Week of Making, STEM, white house —
Tags: community, holiday, Nation of Makers, National Week of Making, STEM, white house —