New Products 12/2/2020 Featuring Adafruit #TMP117 ±0.1°C High Accuracy I2C #TemperatureSensor – STEMMA QT / Qwiic (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, adafruit feather, development board, development boards, feather m4, feather m4 express, internet of things, IoT, micro:bit, MicroPython, new products, pi case, pi cases, pycom, Raspberry Pi 4, raspberry pi 400, wipy —
Tags: AAE, adafruit feather, development board, development boards, feather m4, feather m4 express, internet of things, IoT, micro:bit, MicroPython, new products, pi case, pi cases, pycom, Raspberry Pi 4, raspberry pi 400, wipy —
Filed under: development board, New Products —
Tags: bluetooth, development board, development boards, ESP32, Espressif, expansion board, internet of things, IoT, MicroPython, new products, pycom, wi-fi, wifi, wipy —
Tags: bluetooth, development board, development boards, ESP32, Espressif, expansion board, internet of things, IoT, MicroPython, new products, pycom, wi-fi, wifi, wipy —
Filed under: adafruit learning system, internet of things, micropython, python, tutorials —
Tags: IoT, MicroPython, python, wipy, wireless —
Tags: IoT, MicroPython, python, wipy, wireless —