Filed under: gaming, vintage computing —
Tags: 3D animation, animation, game design, gaming, wireframe —
Tags: 3D animation, animation, game design, gaming, wireframe —
Filed under: gaming, Publications, robotics —
Tags: gaming, magazine, publications, Robots, wireframe —
Tags: gaming, magazine, publications, Robots, wireframe —
Filed under: books, New Products —
Tags: books, Dance of death, gaming, magazine, play detective, wireframe —
Tags: books, Dance of death, gaming, magazine, play detective, wireframe —
New Products 7/17/19 Featuring 2.0″ 320×240 IPS #TFT Display! #adafruit #newproducts @adafruit
— by Stephanie
Filed under: bluefruit, circuit playground, displays, feather, kits, magazines, New Products, particle, stickers —
Tags: Adafruit, antenna, circuit playground bluefruit, feather, feather wing, FeatherWing, grove shield, kits, machine learning, magazine, new products, pen cutter, stickers, tensorsflow lite, tft, wireframe —
Tags: Adafruit, antenna, circuit playground bluefruit, feather, feather wing, FeatherWing, grove shield, kits, machine learning, magazine, new products, pen cutter, stickers, tensorsflow lite, tft, wireframe —