Filed under: New Products, QT Py —
Tags: dev boards, development board, development boards, ESP32, ESP32-S2, new products, qt py, stemmaqt, wi-fi, wifi, wireless, wireless modules —
Tags: dev boards, development board, development boards, ESP32, ESP32-S2, new products, qt py, stemmaqt, wi-fi, wifi, wireless, wireless modules —
Filed under: bluetooth, wireless —
Tags: adapter, adapters, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, dongle, new products, USB dongle, wifi, wifi module, wifi modules, wireless modules —
Tags: adapter, adapters, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, dongle, new products, USB dongle, wifi, wifi module, wifi modules, wireless modules —
New Products 11/4/2020 Featuring Adafruit BMP390 – Precision Barometric Pressure and Altimeter – STEMMA QT / Qwiic (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, air quality, barometer, barometric, barometric pressure, circuitpython, desktop, ESP32-S2, matrix portal, new products, project packs, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 400, rgb matrices, sensors, voc, wireless modules —
Tags: AAE, air quality, barometer, barometric, barometric pressure, circuitpython, desktop, ESP32-S2, matrix portal, new products, project packs, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 400, rgb matrices, sensors, voc, wireless modules —
Filed under: ESP32, New Products —
Tags: ESP32, ESP32-S2, Espressif, internet of things, IoT, new products, ufl, ufl connectors, wireless, wireless modules, WROVER —
Tags: ESP32, ESP32-S2, Espressif, internet of things, IoT, new products, ufl, ufl connectors, wireless, wireless modules, WROVER —
Filed under: New Products, wireless —
Tags: ESP32, Espressif, new products, wifi, wifi module, wifi modules, wireless, wireless modules, WROVER —
Tags: ESP32, Espressif, new products, wifi, wifi module, wifi modules, wireless, wireless modules, WROVER —
Filed under: New Products, wireless —
Tags: ESP8285, Espressif, new products, wifi, wifi module, wifi modules, wireless, wireless modules —
Tags: ESP8285, Espressif, new products, wifi, wifi module, wifi modules, wireless, wireless modules —
New Products 1/23/19 Featuring Adafruit Radio Bonnet RFM96W @ 433MHz #RadioFruit (Video)
— by Angelica
Filed under: ask-an-engineer, New Products —
Tags: AAE, adafruit bonnet, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, Joy Bonnet, LoRa, lorawan, new products, nordic, OLED, radio, raytac, wireless modules —
Tags: AAE, adafruit bonnet, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, Joy Bonnet, LoRa, lorawan, new products, nordic, OLED, radio, raytac, wireless modules —
Filed under: bluetooth, New Products —
Tags: bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, new products, nordic, PCB, wireless, wireless modules —
Tags: bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, new products, nordic, PCB, wireless, wireless modules —
Filed under: bluetooth, New Products —
Tags: BLE, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, new products, nordic, PCB, wireless, wireless modules —
Tags: BLE, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, new products, nordic, PCB, wireless, wireless modules —
Filed under: bluetooth, New Products —
Tags: bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, new products, wireless, wireless modules —
Tags: bluetooth, bluetooth LE, bluetooth low energy, new products, wireless, wireless modules —
Filed under: discover electronics, wireless —
Tags: littleBits, littleBits projects, wireless modules —
Tags: littleBits, littleBits projects, wireless modules —